Big Brother Fail!
Big Brother is not one of my favourite programmes at the best of times, but I admit I have been watching it this year.
I thought we might get a couple of interesting housemates last night, but omg, what a total FAIL! They were all awful! I wanted some bulldog of a woman to go in and knock Lisa of her perch, or a cute little playmate for Rodrigo, to chill him out a bit. That boy is way too tense lately!
But no. We get a couple of posh twats, a girl who is thicker than Dogface ( and that's saying something! ) , a weekend tree hugger and some freak who didn't seem to be able to walk properly. WTF!
I am now only watching BB for one reason - and that reason is SIAVASH! I love Siavash. I REALLY want him to win, though I'm not sure he will. I seriously doubt I would watch another episode if he was evicted.

i love siavash :*:*
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