Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Operation Liberation!


Operation Liberation is a UK national demonstration as part of a global week of action against vivisection breeders. Following the rescue of 129 rabbits from Highgate Farm in 2008, the farm subsequently stopped supplying rabbits for animal testing. However, the farm reluctantly resumed supplying rabbits to laboratories, one of which is Europe's biggest and most exposed lab, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS).

We plan to show that this was the wrong decision to make, with a vibrant demonstration directly outside the farm where the animals are imprisoned and waiting to die. Please keep this special day free and stand up for the animals! Transport will be arranged from across the country to the farm location (click here for maps and directions). Feel free to get in touch to book places on coaches or let us know you’re coming.

You can get any further details you might need HERE


Amiee Whintey said...

I really don't like animal testing :(