Saturday, 15 August 2009

Message from the Band

So, it's pretty obvious what the highlight of this video is for me - TOM! No hat. No headband.


Anyway, I'm sure you've all see it a hundred times already, but once more is never too much, lol, so enjoy ...


Anonymous said...

ooooh god so cute i love that there so happy in this video its been a long time <3

Anonymous said...

There are 2 more others in the band named GUSTAV and GEORG, REMEMBER?!

Liz said...

Yes I'm aware of that thanks! But this is my personal blog, not a Tokio Hotel blog and I write about the things I want to write about.

Anonymous said...

But when ur talking about Tokio Hotel, u can mention Georg and Gustav as well girl;-)

Liz said...

Ok, Mrs / Mr Anonymous, seeing as it trouble you so much, I will be sure to mention the G's next time, ok?! Lol

Susi said...

LOL As if Liz wouldn't remember the Gs! Everybody knows Tom is her fave, doesn't mean she wouldn't love Gustav and Georg being in the band as well. Just because it's not always obvious mentions, doesn't mean they wouldn't be there. Of course, that can be easily missed by someone "anonymous". ;o) Bit pointless to try and tell people how they're supposed to write THEIR blog but oh well... entertaining value.

Have to say the Gs barely moved in that video. Georg seemed to have taken some lessons from Gustav. Bless. They really must have been tired. I'm just majorly distracted by all those sunglasses. ^^

Anonymous said...

lol, "Susi".
I've noticed it before, cuz i've been watching what "Liz" has been writing about, for some months now, and all she writes about is Bill and Tom, i just think it's stupid;-P
Shes in the THUKST, so i think she should care about the G's as well..

Oh well, her life.

Liz said...

Watching what I've been writing about for some months? Kinda hard when the blog is only ONE month old! Lol.

I've already told you, this is NOT a Tokio Hotel blog. Yes, I am in the THUKST. Yes, I am allowed to have a life outside of it!

Who says I don't care about Gustav and Georg? How would you know? I care about my mother - do you see her picture here?

Once again, because I obviously didn't make it clear before - this is NOT a Tokio Hotel blog. Though Tokio Hotel may appear in it. This is NOT a THUKST blog. Though THUKST may appear in it. I will NOT mention every person I care about in this blog. This does NOT mean I don't care about them.

I hope that clears any misunderstandings up.