Friday, 28 August 2009

Tokio Hotel Graphics

12 Icons, and 2 sigs. Feel free to use them, but if you do take anything, please don't claim it as your own work, and be polite and leave a comment. Thanks! Click to save full size.
( Gusti and Georg ones to follow, plus more twins! )

Saturday, 22 August 2009

James Cameron's 'Avatar'

Is anyone else as excited about James Cameron's new film 'Avatar', as I am? I can't remember the last time I was so excited about a new movie! And I have to wait until frigging December until it hits the cinema! I really can't wait for this to come out. Check out the Official Website.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Animal Rights

There's far too much for me to cover in one blog post, so click the banners and links, visit the sites, read the information and get involved! There are thousands and thousands of animals out there, everday, that desperately need our help. No action is too small. From spreading a link, writing an email or signing a petition, to vigils, protests and demonstrations - it's all important. So please click away, and at the very least, get informed about what's really happening to animals everday!

WARNING - some sites may display very graphic and upsetting images of animal cruelty.

EFF Banner

And finally, please support the people who go out there everday and risk their own freedom to save the lives of innocent animals!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Automatic / Automatisch and Beautiful New Picture

Today was a good day for all things Tokio Hotel ( it was a bad day in some other respects, but I won't give the people who caused that enough of my time to write about it! ). Anyway, back to Tokio Hotel. OMG. So, today, MTV Buzzworthy and Bild released snippets of the new single Automatic / Automatisch. I heard the English version first and loved it immediately! I was totally happy already, but of course I wanted to hear it in German too. I always enjoy Bill's voice more in German :) But I wasn't expecting to be so totally mesmerized! Bill sounded beautiful.

Not only did we get the song clip but there was also a stunning new picture. Tom<3 No hat, no bandana, no sunnies, smiling ... Did I die and go to heaven? He looks sooo beautiful. And Bill! If the word 'Androgynous' were to appear in a picture dictionary, I'm quite sure this photo of Bill would be the definition! Lol. I don't think I've ever seen him looking more pretty and feminine. It's so cute. And him and Tom look almost like a cou... Ok, I won't say it, but *squeal* And just LOL at Georg checking Bill out! Even Gusti is smiling! Aww. Anyway, enough rambling, here it is ....

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Loud and Proud Email Fan Action!

Most of you will know by now that our ST leader Claire, recently resigned from the THUKST. You can read her full reasons why HERE, but the lack of information about the band's intention towards the UK was a main factor. We still have no clear idea when Humanoid will be released in the UK, if at all. Let alone whether they will ever return to play another gig here.

Constant attempts to bring the band back to the UK have so far failed, and as a result, not only have UK fans lost their beloved ST leader, but they are also beginning to lose hope.

We want you guys to stand up and once again make your voice heard because the UK fans are not ready to give up the fight yet! With a new album, a new look, and a new tour on the way, never has the time been better than to let people know that we still want Tokio Hotel in the UK! We are still as Loud and Proud as ever!

So, what's the plan? We want you all to send an email to the fan mail address, asking for information about Humanoid and the UK. Will it be released here? When will that release be? We want to let them know that the UK fans have been very patient, but as the rest of the world is eagerly awaiting the Humanoid release we need some answers, too!



Guidelines for your email.

* don't make it too long ( otherwise it might not all get read )
* stay relevant ( keep distracting "fan-girly" comments to a minimum or out altogether! )
* be polite - no unnecessary whining, don't be rude or even offensive as there is no need for it and only puts all the UK fans in a bad light. Remember, you're representing all UK fans with your mail!


* have "UK" in the subject line
* refer to Claire's letter of resignation
* in particular refer to or quote that she doesn't think we'll get a release for the new album in the UK
* ask about / request a release
* mention that the UK hasn't had a release in two years and never got one for Scream
* ask about / request a UK gig (maybe mention our efforts with owngig)

So, to sum up, please compose a polite, to the point email, asking about the future of Tokio Hotel and the UK. Use the above guidelines to help you with your mail. Then send the email to
on Monday, August 24th.

Monday, 17 August 2009


Great news for Kim-Lan, as Tom once again gives her credit for a graffiti of him - this time on his blog. It's a stunning piece, in simple colours and in his new style.

If you like the look of this, then be sure to check out all of her other videos on her You Tube Channel. You can also follow her on Twitter here. Any other links you might need, you can find by visiting those two places first. Finally, on her Myspace you will find some more Tom and Bill graffiti, pictures of Gustav and Georg, and also lots of other other amazing pieces of work.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Message from the Band

So, it's pretty obvious what the highlight of this video is for me - TOM! No hat. No headband.


Anyway, I'm sure you've all see it a hundred times already, but once more is never too much, lol, so enjoy ...

Friday, 14 August 2009

Bill Und Die Minimoys

I'm so happy about Bill returning to voice Arthur in Arthur Und Die Minimoys 2. And according to recent reports, so is Bill, who said he was very excited to return for the second film. But I was even happier to see the new pictures! They are just stunning. Bill looks so beautiful, not to mention happy and healthy, which makes me so happy too :) It's such a simple look, but Bill pulls it off to perfection. Claire and I have been cooing over him all day, lol. Sweet, pretty Bill ....

Oh, and I want to steal his boots, lol.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

New Twin / Band Pics and Other Stuff

Oh god, my blog is turning into a pic spam site! However, these are, at least, REAL and not manip'd. ( Well, not by me, anyway, lol! ) I don't even have the words to describe how good the twins are looking! They're just beautiful :) And Bill's legs?! Holy cats, they are so looooooooong! Anyway, here they are. Enjoy ...

So yeah, I'm totally loving ( drooling over ) these! Also tonight, because of something else I've been working on, I've been looking at photos of fairgrounds and carnivals. And I've come to a conclusion. It would be the most amazing place for the guys to do a video or photo shoot! Take a look at these examples ...

How cool would a night time shoot be, at some place like these! And it seems to fit the theme of the calendar pics too, with the neons etc. I would really, really love to see a shoot like that!

Anyway, I've got one or two other things to talk about, but I'm so tired. I haven't slept yet! So I'll blog again later. Oh, and don't forget to tune in and watch Richie Nickel on Blog TV tonight! You can catch him HERE at 9pm.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Geisha Bill

Well, I've always wanted to see Bill done up as a Geisha, but seeing as that is never likely to happen, I did the next best thing!

Thursday, 6 August 2009


Well, I'm sure you've all already seen this picture of Bill. But I think it needs to go here, all the same :) That boy is just so incredibly beautiful.

Also couldn't resist playing with them on GIMP. I've got something in my mind that I want to do with it, but I haven't had the time yet. Watch this space, lol. But here's a couple of really quick colour plays I did with it. This is pretty much the perfect picture for a variety of manip projects.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Operation Liberation!


Operation Liberation is a UK national demonstration as part of a global week of action against vivisection breeders. Following the rescue of 129 rabbits from Highgate Farm in 2008, the farm subsequently stopped supplying rabbits for animal testing. However, the farm reluctantly resumed supplying rabbits to laboratories, one of which is Europe's biggest and most exposed lab, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS).

We plan to show that this was the wrong decision to make, with a vibrant demonstration directly outside the farm where the animals are imprisoned and waiting to die. Please keep this special day free and stand up for the animals! Transport will be arranged from across the country to the farm location (click here for maps and directions). Feel free to get in touch to book places on coaches or let us know you’re coming.

You can get any further details you might need HERE

Sunday, 2 August 2009

The Cosmic Banditos by A.C.Weisbecker

Ok, it's 4am and I've just finished reading my favourite book in the whole world ( well, joint favourite really, as The Persian Boy is right up there with it. Only, you can't really compare the two - they're worlds apart! ). I can't remember how many times I've read this book - but it's a lot! And I decided I want to talk about it a bit :)

For those of you who have just groaned and though
t 'oh no, book review', then I strongly suggest you get yourself a copy of this book! I guarantee you'll be blogging about it yourselves a few days later. Love it, or hate it, The Cosmic Banditos will take you on a road trip you'll never forget!

The story itself, to be fair, is pretty kooky, and I would say approaching it with an open mind is essential, lol. It's probably not for the easily offended. Not that it sets out to be offensive. Also, if you're lost, bored, confused ( or offended, lol ) after the first few pages - stop reading!

But, if, like me, you're immediately intrigued, then fasten your seatbelts for one hell of a ride. You'll fall in love with a host of hilarious characters, including a down on his luck, intellectual pot smuggler, a dog called High Pockets, and the unforgetable bandito, José.

The story really kicks in when José and his contrabandista buddies rob a family of tourists. This begins a chain of events, which takes our heroes on an epic quest across Mexico and America, for the meaning of life itself! They cause havoc and destruction wherever they go, each disaster usually larger than the last, and twice as hilarious!

This book has everything from quantum physics to drug fuelled outrageousness, and I don't know what else to say about it, except - buy it and read it!