Thursday, 10 December 2009

The Canyon

WARNING - If you don't want to know how the movie ends - DON'T READ THIS. I'm going to discuss it!

Ok, so tonight I watched The Canyon. Check out the trailer below.

So, I wasn't sure about this movie, as most of the reviews I've read about it said it was crap! But, I do tend to enjoy films that everyone else thinks are shit, lol, so I figured I'd give it a try. By half way through I was really enjoying it, and wondering why the hell it got slagged of so much. It's a good movie, if you like this type of survival genre ( which I do ). And Eion Bailey, the lead male role, was uber cute in it, which was a pleasant bonus!

And then we reached the end, and voila! The reason everyone thinks the movie sucks! The ending was such a massive let down. I don't know what they were trying to achieve, but whatever it was - FAIL! You see, in a 'survival' movie, one of two things must happen. Either everyone dies and there is no survival, lol. Or, they make it out, against all the odds. They may be a man or two down, but they heroically make it out.

However, if it is a couple, whose relationship you've been encouraged to invest in throughout the movie, you either want them both to die, tragically, in each others arms, or, they BOTH make it out alive. You DO NOT want to see the girl, kill the guy, ( because she suddenly decides to stop fighting the wolves she's been fighting for the last half hour and just give up ), only to be rescued a minute later, by a bunch of amateurs who don't even attempt to revive the poor bastard! Which, after thinking he was dead, would have been a nice last minute twist, and saved this film from being really frigging depressing.

Because that's what I came away thinking. 'God, that was depressing'. Which is a shame, because just 5 minutes earlier I'd been really impressed with the movie. But once a film is saddled with a crap ending, then it really can't be saved. No matter how good the rest of it is, anyone who watches it will just remember that it was a crap ending! And that's pretty much what I will remember about this film :(

Other than the fact that Eion Bailey was cute, of course.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Some Fans Make Me Mad!

So, the title of this post is self explanatory. And today, they made me SO mad I'm posting about it to vent. The cause for my anger is the video below, specifically, at around 3:50.

So, you've watched it, right? I mean, WTF! How dare those girls grab Bill like that! Ok, sure, sometimes a fan will hold onto their hand a bit too long, or someone will tug on their clothes. But these girls grabbed hold of him and frigging yanked him, HARD! I would bet money that he had a nasty bruise after that. And what was the point of it anyway? What could they possibly have achieved by doing that? It was just totally unnecessary. Poor Bill.

I hate how some people seem to think that they can do whatever they like to celebrities. Like they are objects you can grab and shove and pull about. It infuriates me. For fuck sake people, HAVE SOME RESPECT.


Sunday, 15 November 2009

Cat Face

These vids never, ever fail to amuse me, so I thought I'd post some. I'll only post them one at a time though, so watch this space for more!

Note to reader - if you have have no sense of humour, I wouldn't bother watching, lol. If you have - read, laugh and leave a comment! :)

Friday, 13 November 2009

Tokio Hotel Radio

So, if you're reading this, you will already have noticed, or at least heard, the neat little radio gadget, over there --------->

Yup, Tokio Hotel radio. SO cool :) You can get your own HERE then just adjust the size in the code to fit wherever you want to put it.

And hey presto - you have Tokio Hotel radio. Love it :)

So, just a short post for now, but I'll be updating soon with my pics and vids from Berlin and the MTV EMA!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Dogs Unleashed!

For those of you who have asked about the dogs at work
( dalmation and animal rescue centre / pet cemetary ), here is a short video of just a few of them. We couldn't let them all out as a camera crew were there, lol. But imagine this number and add about 25, and that'll give you a clearer picture of what a 'normal day' is like! Enjoy!

Sunday, 11 October 2009

The Tokio Hotel

Ok, I've neglected my blog a bit lately, and I'm gonna put that right over the next few days. And of course, I'll be posting about Athens and the show - which was SO AWESOME!

But just a quick one tonight, about the cool new online game The Tokio Hotel. My mum played it while I was in Greece, LOL! She really enjoyed it and finished the first level, even claiming a Tom 'completed' banner for herself at the end! :) I'm gonna have a shot at it tommorrow ( and blackmail clues out of my mum, lol ).

Use this link to play the game yourself!

COfC Presents... The Tokio Hotel


Thursday, 10 September 2009


So, today someone put a leaflet through our door about a new restaurant on the island - specialising in fresh lobster. I know there are plenty of lobster restaurants already on the island, but I guess it just prompted me to write this. I hate people's attitude towards lobsters, as though they aren't even worth considering. If I talk to you about the welfare of a dog or a pig, no one will have a problem understand my concern. If I talk to you about a lobster, I wonder how many people will feel the same level of understanding.

Very few people realise that lobsters are fascinating little creatures. Here's a few facts about them, that you might not have known.

* Lobsters have complex nervous systems which allow them to feel pain.

* Lobsters have a fascinating ability to explore their surroundings, communicate and establish complex social relationships.

* Lobsters, like humans, have long childhoods, and an awkward adolescence. They also carry their young for nine months.

* When you or I are very seriously hurt, our body trys to numb the pain by shutting down. Lobsters don't have that ability and feel everything that is happening to them.

* Lobsters have highly developed senses of smell and taste - they are able to 'smell' chemicals in the water with their antennae, and taste with sensory hairs along their legs.

* If they can avoid capture, lobsters can live for over 100 years, and make long distance seasonal journeys that can cover over 100 miles a year!

* Lobsters that are liberated from a lobster pot, seem to 'learn' from the experinece, and are unlikely to be captured again.

* During killing, the lobsters are often plunged into boiling water, or are gradually heated. For some dishes they are cut up, or even grilled whilst still conscious. Lobster mousse is made by scrapping the flesh from the shell whilse the animal is still alive!

*Although lobsters don't 'scream' when boiled, as it was once believed, they do whip their bodies about furiously, and scrape the cooking pot with their claws, in a desperate attempt to escape. It can take anything from 15 seconds, to 7 minutes for them to die.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. Lobsters are fantastic little creatures - sociable and intelligent - and they suffer a horrible amount of pain and distress when they are killed ( obviously! ). To me, this is clearly unacceptable and barbaric. Why would anyone think that it was okay to make any creature suffer this way? Moral issues aside, lobster is not even good for you to eat!
Fish and shellfish often accumulate extremely high levels of toxins in their flesh (as much as 9 million times that of the water in which they live) such as PCB’s, dioxins, mercury, lead, and arsenic, which can cause health problems ranging from kidney damage and impaired mental development to cancer, paralytic shellfish poisoning and even death.

Of course, as always, this is just a tiny, tiny drop in the huge ocean of animal cruelty isues. But I feel that the plight of lobsters is sometimes overlooked, and, although I doubt this post will change anyone's mind about eating them, I really hope it will at least make a couple of people think twice!
And if anyone would like the code to put the little chap below on their blog, leave a comment with your email, and I'll send it to you.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Bill in Vogue

I really want to make a post about this, because I feel as though some people who like the Vogue pics, are missing the point of what those who don't like them are saying. First of all, I guess, let's take a look at them ....

Ok. So, I understand that this isn't a 'normal' photoshoot. I get that it's a high fashion mag and that it's meant to be a bit kooky and daring. I'm all for that! And, I'm sure that there would have been ways to make the head piece look fab. Trust me, I'm all for the 'pony boy' look! Lol.


In my opinion, these photos just don't work. Particularly the first one. It's so awkward looking. Even without the hat, I would be saying - that is not a good picture. This was such a fantastic chance to do a stunning shoot. Bill is so photogenic and was clearly open to ideas, so I just feel as if the opportunity was wasted. :( What does eveyone else think?

Friday, 4 September 2009

Tokio Hotel Round Up

Gosh, so much has been happening in TH world lately. I hardly know where to start! The most exciting news of course, was yesterday's premiere of the video for 'Automatic'! I'm not going to upload it here, so, if you haven't seen it already, or if, like me, you just wanna see it again, go check it out on the UK Homepage

But be sure to come back and leave me a comment! Let me know what you think! Personally, I love it :) It reminds me of a cross between Mad Max / Transformers and Wall-E, lol! It made me giggle, but in that cute, endearing way that TH always make me giggle. The only thing I have to say in a negative light, was that the G's were hardly in it. But other than that, love, love, love it! And Tom? OMG, he's looking good!

What's next? Well, next we have the twins birthday, of course. 20 years old, bless them. I can't stress enough how much I LOVED the pics from their birthday. They look so happy, like they had a really, really great time. This makes me happy to <3

While I'm posting pictures, we cannot miss out on the epicness that was Bill's tartan pants, in France. That boy. You've gotta love him :)

And of course, let's not forget Tom <3

So, what else is there? Oh, Georg announced he had a girlfriend! I'm sure some fans weren't so pleased to hear it, lol, but I think it's really sweet. I love that he picked a non celeb girl from home. Cute.

And finally, really happy for Madeleine and the Swedish ST. So excited for them for next week!

Well, that's all for now folks. I'll try and blog a bit more often. I promised I'd be better with this one, and already I'm failing, lol. But I shall try harder *nods*.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Tokio Hotel Graphics

12 Icons, and 2 sigs. Feel free to use them, but if you do take anything, please don't claim it as your own work, and be polite and leave a comment. Thanks! Click to save full size.
( Gusti and Georg ones to follow, plus more twins! )

Saturday, 22 August 2009

James Cameron's 'Avatar'

Is anyone else as excited about James Cameron's new film 'Avatar', as I am? I can't remember the last time I was so excited about a new movie! And I have to wait until frigging December until it hits the cinema! I really can't wait for this to come out. Check out the Official Website.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Animal Rights

There's far too much for me to cover in one blog post, so click the banners and links, visit the sites, read the information and get involved! There are thousands and thousands of animals out there, everday, that desperately need our help. No action is too small. From spreading a link, writing an email or signing a petition, to vigils, protests and demonstrations - it's all important. So please click away, and at the very least, get informed about what's really happening to animals everday!

WARNING - some sites may display very graphic and upsetting images of animal cruelty.

EFF Banner

And finally, please support the people who go out there everday and risk their own freedom to save the lives of innocent animals!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Automatic / Automatisch and Beautiful New Picture

Today was a good day for all things Tokio Hotel ( it was a bad day in some other respects, but I won't give the people who caused that enough of my time to write about it! ). Anyway, back to Tokio Hotel. OMG. So, today, MTV Buzzworthy and Bild released snippets of the new single Automatic / Automatisch. I heard the English version first and loved it immediately! I was totally happy already, but of course I wanted to hear it in German too. I always enjoy Bill's voice more in German :) But I wasn't expecting to be so totally mesmerized! Bill sounded beautiful.

Not only did we get the song clip but there was also a stunning new picture. Tom<3 No hat, no bandana, no sunnies, smiling ... Did I die and go to heaven? He looks sooo beautiful. And Bill! If the word 'Androgynous' were to appear in a picture dictionary, I'm quite sure this photo of Bill would be the definition! Lol. I don't think I've ever seen him looking more pretty and feminine. It's so cute. And him and Tom look almost like a cou... Ok, I won't say it, but *squeal* And just LOL at Georg checking Bill out! Even Gusti is smiling! Aww. Anyway, enough rambling, here it is ....

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Loud and Proud Email Fan Action!

Most of you will know by now that our ST leader Claire, recently resigned from the THUKST. You can read her full reasons why HERE, but the lack of information about the band's intention towards the UK was a main factor. We still have no clear idea when Humanoid will be released in the UK, if at all. Let alone whether they will ever return to play another gig here.

Constant attempts to bring the band back to the UK have so far failed, and as a result, not only have UK fans lost their beloved ST leader, but they are also beginning to lose hope.

We want you guys to stand up and once again make your voice heard because the UK fans are not ready to give up the fight yet! With a new album, a new look, and a new tour on the way, never has the time been better than to let people know that we still want Tokio Hotel in the UK! We are still as Loud and Proud as ever!

So, what's the plan? We want you all to send an email to the fan mail address, asking for information about Humanoid and the UK. Will it be released here? When will that release be? We want to let them know that the UK fans have been very patient, but as the rest of the world is eagerly awaiting the Humanoid release we need some answers, too!



Guidelines for your email.

* don't make it too long ( otherwise it might not all get read )
* stay relevant ( keep distracting "fan-girly" comments to a minimum or out altogether! )
* be polite - no unnecessary whining, don't be rude or even offensive as there is no need for it and only puts all the UK fans in a bad light. Remember, you're representing all UK fans with your mail!


* have "UK" in the subject line
* refer to Claire's letter of resignation
* in particular refer to or quote that she doesn't think we'll get a release for the new album in the UK
* ask about / request a release
* mention that the UK hasn't had a release in two years and never got one for Scream
* ask about / request a UK gig (maybe mention our efforts with owngig)

So, to sum up, please compose a polite, to the point email, asking about the future of Tokio Hotel and the UK. Use the above guidelines to help you with your mail. Then send the email to
on Monday, August 24th.

Monday, 17 August 2009


Great news for Kim-Lan, as Tom once again gives her credit for a graffiti of him - this time on his blog. It's a stunning piece, in simple colours and in his new style.

If you like the look of this, then be sure to check out all of her other videos on her You Tube Channel. You can also follow her on Twitter here. Any other links you might need, you can find by visiting those two places first. Finally, on her Myspace you will find some more Tom and Bill graffiti, pictures of Gustav and Georg, and also lots of other other amazing pieces of work.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Message from the Band

So, it's pretty obvious what the highlight of this video is for me - TOM! No hat. No headband.


Anyway, I'm sure you've all see it a hundred times already, but once more is never too much, lol, so enjoy ...

Friday, 14 August 2009

Bill Und Die Minimoys

I'm so happy about Bill returning to voice Arthur in Arthur Und Die Minimoys 2. And according to recent reports, so is Bill, who said he was very excited to return for the second film. But I was even happier to see the new pictures! They are just stunning. Bill looks so beautiful, not to mention happy and healthy, which makes me so happy too :) It's such a simple look, but Bill pulls it off to perfection. Claire and I have been cooing over him all day, lol. Sweet, pretty Bill ....

Oh, and I want to steal his boots, lol.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

New Twin / Band Pics and Other Stuff

Oh god, my blog is turning into a pic spam site! However, these are, at least, REAL and not manip'd. ( Well, not by me, anyway, lol! ) I don't even have the words to describe how good the twins are looking! They're just beautiful :) And Bill's legs?! Holy cats, they are so looooooooong! Anyway, here they are. Enjoy ...

So yeah, I'm totally loving ( drooling over ) these! Also tonight, because of something else I've been working on, I've been looking at photos of fairgrounds and carnivals. And I've come to a conclusion. It would be the most amazing place for the guys to do a video or photo shoot! Take a look at these examples ...

How cool would a night time shoot be, at some place like these! And it seems to fit the theme of the calendar pics too, with the neons etc. I would really, really love to see a shoot like that!

Anyway, I've got one or two other things to talk about, but I'm so tired. I haven't slept yet! So I'll blog again later. Oh, and don't forget to tune in and watch Richie Nickel on Blog TV tonight! You can catch him HERE at 9pm.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Geisha Bill

Well, I've always wanted to see Bill done up as a Geisha, but seeing as that is never likely to happen, I did the next best thing!

Thursday, 6 August 2009


Well, I'm sure you've all already seen this picture of Bill. But I think it needs to go here, all the same :) That boy is just so incredibly beautiful.

Also couldn't resist playing with them on GIMP. I've got something in my mind that I want to do with it, but I haven't had the time yet. Watch this space, lol. But here's a couple of really quick colour plays I did with it. This is pretty much the perfect picture for a variety of manip projects.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Operation Liberation!


Operation Liberation is a UK national demonstration as part of a global week of action against vivisection breeders. Following the rescue of 129 rabbits from Highgate Farm in 2008, the farm subsequently stopped supplying rabbits for animal testing. However, the farm reluctantly resumed supplying rabbits to laboratories, one of which is Europe's biggest and most exposed lab, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS).

We plan to show that this was the wrong decision to make, with a vibrant demonstration directly outside the farm where the animals are imprisoned and waiting to die. Please keep this special day free and stand up for the animals! Transport will be arranged from across the country to the farm location (click here for maps and directions). Feel free to get in touch to book places on coaches or let us know you’re coming.

You can get any further details you might need HERE