Thursday, 10 December 2009

The Canyon

WARNING - If you don't want to know how the movie ends - DON'T READ THIS. I'm going to discuss it!

Ok, so tonight I watched The Canyon. Check out the trailer below.

So, I wasn't sure about this movie, as most of the reviews I've read about it said it was crap! But, I do tend to enjoy films that everyone else thinks are shit, lol, so I figured I'd give it a try. By half way through I was really enjoying it, and wondering why the hell it got slagged of so much. It's a good movie, if you like this type of survival genre ( which I do ). And Eion Bailey, the lead male role, was uber cute in it, which was a pleasant bonus!

And then we reached the end, and voila! The reason everyone thinks the movie sucks! The ending was such a massive let down. I don't know what they were trying to achieve, but whatever it was - FAIL! You see, in a 'survival' movie, one of two things must happen. Either everyone dies and there is no survival, lol. Or, they make it out, against all the odds. They may be a man or two down, but they heroically make it out.

However, if it is a couple, whose relationship you've been encouraged to invest in throughout the movie, you either want them both to die, tragically, in each others arms, or, they BOTH make it out alive. You DO NOT want to see the girl, kill the guy, ( because she suddenly decides to stop fighting the wolves she's been fighting for the last half hour and just give up ), only to be rescued a minute later, by a bunch of amateurs who don't even attempt to revive the poor bastard! Which, after thinking he was dead, would have been a nice last minute twist, and saved this film from being really frigging depressing.

Because that's what I came away thinking. 'God, that was depressing'. Which is a shame, because just 5 minutes earlier I'd been really impressed with the movie. But once a film is saddled with a crap ending, then it really can't be saved. No matter how good the rest of it is, anyone who watches it will just remember that it was a crap ending! And that's pretty much what I will remember about this film :(

Other than the fact that Eion Bailey was cute, of course.